Want to have more control over your finances and understand exactly where your money is going every month? Or want to be better about savings, whether it’s for an emergency fund, retirement, or a vacation? These money management apps can do the trick, and they each have different features depending on what you need to achieve and your financial goals.

You Need a Budget (YNAB)

You Need a Budget, or YNAB, is a great money management app if you’re truly dedicated to understanding where your money is going and how you can improve your budget. The tool will help you track every dollar you spend by assigning it a purpose, allowing you to develop a strong month-to-month cash flow and increased savings.

There is a free trial, but after that there is a subscription service either yearly or monthly. YNAB also supplies you with videos to teach you how to make the most out of their app.


EveryDollar is very similar to YNAB. It tracks your expenses and spending, allowing you to plan for your purchases. There is a free version, but it requires you to manually enter in all of your transactions. If you opt for the paid version, you can connect your accounts, take advantage of advice content, and more.


Mint is another option that helps you track your expenses, categorize your spending, watch your investments, and connect to your financial accounts. The app also allows you to get alerts for spending over budget, suspicious transactions, ATM fees, bill due dates, and credit monitoring. It’s absolutely free and great for any person interested in budgeting, whether they’re new or experienced.


If you just want a quick glimpse at your money management and budget, PocketGuard may be the best choice for you. Free, you can connect with your banking accounts, track reoccurring expenses and income, and show you exactly how much money is available each day based on your saving goals, income, and expenses. You can also track exactly where your money is going either using their automated tool or exported data. If you tend to overspend, PocketGuard will help break this habit.


Do you have various saving goals and want to better watch your monthly income with your partner or family members? Goodbudget could be a top choice – the app uses “envelopes” to help you dedicate money to specific purposes. You can connect multiple devices to this app so you can all watch where the money is going. It’s important to note though that this app will not connect with your bank account – you will have to add numbers manually.

There is a free version that offers one account and two devices, but with limited envelopes. You can get more envelopes and devices by opting for the Plus version.

5 Super Helpful Money Management Apps

These are just 5 money management apps that deserve a closer look. Each has its pros and cons so you will have to should review each carefully to decide which is the best for your income, budget, spending, and saving goals. If you’re not sure, you may want to test out the free trials before committing to any specific one.